Year 3 Meet the Teacher

It was lovely to see so many parents on Monday. We hope you found the information useful. For those who would like to see the presentation again, and for those parents who were unable to attend, please find the PowerPoint below.

Summer Issue is Here!

Here is the last issue of the year of the William Ransom Orbit, filled with more interesting articles about school and the wider community. A big thank you to the whole Orbit team who have worked really hard on all three issues. If you would like to be on the Orbit team next year remember … Read more

Awesome Egyptians!

Year 3 travelled back in time to spend a day in Ancient Egypt. We’re sure you will agree they all looked the part in some amazing costumes. We spent the morning taking part in various activities such as making amulets, perfume, Shabti dolls and bread. In the afternoon, we split into groups. Some children were … Read more

Leaping Lizards

In Year 3, we had a great time at our Art Workshop. We drew lizards on paper which we then cut out. We drew round them on foam and cut those out to make a stamp, adding patterns and details to make our lizards look extra cool. Then we used ink and rollers to create … Read more

Flower power in Year 3!

Year 3 have been learning all about plants in Science this term. We learnt how water is transported from the roots, up the stem to the leaves where some water evaporates. We acted this out to help us remember! We also learn about the different parts of a flower and how the flower makes seeds. … Read more

Diversity in Year 3

As part of our whole school Diversity Project, Elm and Maple classes looked at the book ‘Dogs Don’t Do Ballet’. The book is all about Biff, a little dog who longs to be a ballet dancer. Even though everyone tells him that dogs don’t do ballet, he believes in himself and achieves his dream. The … Read more

Orbit Spring Issue Out Now!

We hope you enjoy reading the Spring issue of the Orbit magazine – written by pupils for the William Ransom community. It will be coming home this week in your child’s bag. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored an issue of the Orbit, it’s greatly appreciated. If you’re interested in sponsoring our Summer issue … Read more